
SunnySpeak is a television series originated by host Lisa Valianti O'Brien, that explores the inspirational lives of individuals who are making a positive impact in our world today.  With the help of  TV/Film Teacher, National Chair of Education NATAS (National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences) Danielle Mannion, Lisa was able to launch the Pilot episode of SunnySpeak, Etched in Glass:  The Legacy of Steve Ross.  This moving interview features filmmaker Roger Lyons discussing his latest film, exploring the remarkable life of Holocaust survivor Steve Ross.

With the assistance of Liz Harkins, the pilot episode was aired by Milford TV, which is currently airing this uplifting series.

Episode One, The Life and Legacy of Welles Crowther: The Hero with the Red Bandanna.
During this inspirational episode of SunnySpeak, Alison Crowther speaks with Lisa about the life and heroics of her son Welles, offering insight as to what led this young man to declare on 9/11, "I'm going back up" to rescue others in the South Tower, a selfless choice that ultimately proved fatal for him.

TV stations wishing to pick up this series may do so by contacting



Episode Two

The Serendipitous Life of Micah Christian:
Viewers and listeners can access Episode Two at:

Episode Three

Coming soon